Monday, December 12, 2011

Words Devoured: The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories

Good news!  I received my review copy tonight!  I was totally thrilled when I opened the mailbox and found the envelope waiting for me inside.

This is The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories, and it lives up to it's name in that it is, indeed, a tiny book.  While the stories contained within are short--a mere handful of sentences each--when accompanied by the beautiful art, they tell tales that are volumes long!  This is an amazing collaborative effort.

Each of the tiny stories is full of emotion.  Many of them made me laugh out loud because they were just surprising.  One or two of them tugged at the heartstrings, honestly.  I find it amazing how such a tiny story can easily move someone.

Since the book itself is so tiny, I don't want to mention in great detail some of my favorite tiny stories because...well...I'd have most of the book covered in this review.  I enjoyed the following story immensely, because it leads you to the only conclusion you can think of--that would happen naturally:

It was the little surprises like this that brought a smile to my face.  I am sure you would come to the same conclusion I did, but no one knows what really happened to the egg.  The open end allows you, the reader, to decide what happens.  I, however, am a bit of a pessimist...  Poor egg!

hitRECord publishing has a charming tiny book here.  The good news is that it's only the first of three planned volumes!  I cannot wait to see more if these great little works!


  1. OH it's put out by hitREcord? I love that site (and have a bit of a crush on that guy :P )

    This book looks absolutely adorable. Thanks for telling us about it :D

  2. Yes ma'am! It IS adorable! Full of touching tiny stories. So enjoyable. HAHAHA You do, eh? ;P Of course! Glad to spread the word!

  3. MBee...I have a crush on him as well. He doesn't know it but he will marry me someday. LOL

    John, glad you likes it so much. I look forward to it myself. :-)


  4. You will enjoy it if you DO get it.
