I know this is supposed to be a blog about reading, etc. I promise I am nearly done Demi-Monde: Winter and will have a review written up when I am done. However, I came to sing the praises of a certain little program that is available free to Nintendo 3DS owners. Said program is called SwapNote.
Above is one of the Japanese tutorial screens (I couldn't find any English ones) that show you what you can do with the program. It's a basic interface. You have a pen, which you control with your stylus; you just write on-screen. Also, you have the eraser which allows you to erase mistakes. Just write what you want, and sent to recipients of your choice (from your friends list).
It's fairly simple, but soooooo much deeper than what I made it seem. SwapNote gives you access to a Pop-Out Pen, which renders whatever you draw/write with it, into 3D! It's so much fun to experiment with drawings in 3D, and I am thrilled Nintendo allowed an option that let you do so!
I am an unabashed doodler, to be honest. You should see the margins of my class notes from college. Drawings of all kinds live in my binders. Now I can take them to another (frankly, more awesome!) level than I ever could before. I drew an awesome picture--this might mean nothing to non-Mario fans--of Lakitu throwing a spiny egg.
I used the Pop-Out Pen to draw the spiny egg itself in the foreground. A rather large, and in-your-face spiny egg pops out of the picture, while I doodled a tiny Lakitu floating safely out of reach. I imagine this is a sight poor Mario would see just before he was clobbered by the spiny egg!
This is rather thrilling, if you can't tell by my gushing! It makes owning a 3DS that much more fun.